Sunday, March 27, 2011

Understanding the Human experience

Sometimes I feel like human beings are like novels, written in real time. The way we perceive each other is the movie adaptation to that novel. Some things are portrayed as seen in the original novel, with a few additions and subtractions based on our own personal understanding/misunderstandings. There are so many variables that can alter "the critique"; love, fear,ignorance, jealously, intelligence, greed. We live in a world so dependent on what others think. Yet, what others think will never be an accurate depiction of who we are and what we are capable of. So why give it so much precedence?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Quote from Betty X

“We can say "Peace on Earth." We can sing about it,
preach about it or pray about it,
but if we have not internalized the mythology
to make it happen inside us, then it will not be.”
- Betty Shabazz

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Life as a Fathomless Canvas

I am a conscious participant in perfect harmony with God. With each step i bring peace and lotuses at my feet. All of my experiences, I formulate with an artistic stroke. As I continue to grow into my authentic self, I see my life as a fathomless canvas. I see wisdom in the form of hills progressing along the vanishing point of life. This canvas depicts an enchanting mural of my hopes, dreams, desires and it is embraced with the beauty of the Universe in all of its glory. On this day, I choose to live life and do so fearlessly without regard to any preconceived notions. To live is to unveil my life as a fathomless canvas. I am my own Mona Lisa. I am my own Masterpiece.